The House Finale

Destiny Cyrile
3 min readMar 20, 2022

I found myself laying down, without a bed or blanket. Just laying in utter silence on the dusty old floor. The memory of that monster’s face when she pushed me to the ground. Her nasty grin and her dark and moldy teeth. That shameful tattoo on her arm symbolizing the darkness. Then the image of my mothers face when she realized I was beaten entered my thoughts. I remembered my sleek and silver sword. It had a golden bottom but it was wrapped in leather. There was a ruby jewel on the pommel.

I got up from the floor and retrieved my sword next to the door. I stood in my fighting pose with the sword below my eye. The light bounced off the blade and shined on my hair. I propelled the sword forward, jumping stealthy off the ground. I then launched it in the air and did a swift punch before it plopped back into my hand. All the pain I had faced had faded away. All I could do was train myself and salvage the last bit of hope I had.

Who am I kidding. My head dropped down and so did my sword. I failed to keep myself hopeful. All I think about, all I could care, was what that savage said to me when I was hurting on the dead grass. “ You’ll never beat me”. As soon as that memory came across in my mind I could feel the house shake.

It shaked and shaked as if there was an earthquake outside. It was only a matter of time when I pushed the house door open, only to see that she was there. Riding in a tornado she came. I could see her black sword emerging as the storm came closer. She then lunged out of the storm leaving it behind as it grew smaller.

“Emora”, I said.

“Looks like you’re still alive. I was only taking a break, now it’s really time to kill you”, she said, readying her sword.

Just as I did in the house I put the sword a couple inches from the top of my cheek. This time I was ready. I couldn’t afford any more mistakes, this was the fight of my lifetime. I started to walk toward her, that walk turned into a jog, and that jog turned into a run. She blocked my hit and circled around me. I had to win, I just had to. As she reached the front of me I slashed her arm. Blood had dripped down. I guess I really had angered her because she held her sword to my neck.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Behind me I threw my sword into the air and gave a vicious punch to the head. I caught the sword and impaled her in the heart.

“Not this time”, I said.

“You won”, Emora said with her last breath.

She fell to the ground and at this point I was wheezing. I grabbed my sword and started my walk home. My family will be so happy to see me.

The end.

